Saturday 16 April 2011

Destiny robbers stalking me ... HELP!

My heart goes out to so many women who are over 30 years old, lonely and unmarried. So many of these women have bought into the devil's lie that their time is up and their eggs are getting too old to procreate. Hello, my bible tells me that Satan is the father of lies. Women over 30 years, over 40 years and so on, you can only be defeated if you believe the father of lies, that is how Satan and his demons get you to give them legal ground in your lives. You must accept and believe the lie before destiny robbers can rob you of your destiny and pursue you with frustration, and defeat.

God says in John 8:44 that the devil is the father of lies. Every spirit of fear and discouragement that is dragging you down has the power to do this only because you believe the lie that the devil suggested to you about your future. As my grandmother used to say to me, "belief can kill, and belief can cure." If you choose God, Who is THE TRUTH (John 14:6), then and only then will you have a hope and a future. If you choose the devil's lies, he will have the last laugh as you give him permission to destroy you and bring you down to the pit of despair. Many of us do not realize that we have spiritual enemies working against us and these spiritual enemies are empowered by us, the very people they are working against. Yet, in our ignorance, we entertain these spiritual "frenemies" and they reek havoc in our lives and rip off our destiny. The bible says that we perish because of lack of knowledge. Tell me, once you look through the peep-hole of your door and identify a strange person at night whom you do not know, are you going to open your door and invite him in? STOP! In the same way, do not invite "frenemies" into your mind either.

The bible says that GOD CANNOT LIE (Titus 1:2 and Romans 3:4). So, who are you choosing to believe, God or the originator of lies, the devil?

It is time women stand up in the Name of Jesus and recover our wasted years in the Name of Jesus by giving no more place to the devil. Instead of agreeing with the devil and speaking death over our lives, let us agree with God by speaking words of life for God says: "death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21)."  So, speak LIFE and NOT DEATH into your life by siding with Creator God, who cannot lie.

Now, raise your right hand over your head and make this declaration with me: 
Heavenly Father,
I make this declaration in the Name of Jesus:
Every power declaring that it is over for me, 
    you are A LIAR, DIE! in the Name of Jesus.
Any power that has tied down my destiny, 
    BREAK LOOSE from my life in the name of Jesus.
In the Name of the King of kings, In the Name of the Lord of lords, 
    in the Name of the Prime Minister of prime ministers, JESUS CHRIST, 
        every bondage in my life, BREAK!
Ministry of fear in my life, DIE in the Name of Jesus.
Every power of frustration that has been pursuing me, 
       your time is up! DIE! in the Name of Jesus.
Negative circumstances affecting my success, 
      BOW in the Name of Jesus.
I cancel every satanic decree working against my life. 
Satanic decree working against my life, DIE in the Name of Jesus. 

I thank You LORD for answering my prayer in Jesus Name. Amen.

Now that we have done some cleansing, let's look at some facts of life:
Unmarried women, you need to know that there are many married women whose lives are actually worse off, being married. You see, many women are just "settling" and getting married simply because they want to pro-create, only to realize that they are lonelier, being married than they were unmarried. They got married, received the man's sperms, but not the man himself. Ladies and gentlemen, God says that marriage is a blessing but only when our motivation is right and we operate within God's boundaries. If we are rushing to get married because our biological clock is ticking, then we are most likely to end up as an unhappy statistic. And what's worse, there is also an unhappy child or children in that equation too. Now talk about jumping out of the frying pan into the fire!

God blesses marriage and wants us to be sexually active only within the confines of marriage. This is not merely a matter of obedience to God, but this is just another way in which God protects us. If you want to operate outside of God's boundaries, lean to your own understanding and do your own thing, then do not be surprised if you "reap what you sow" in more ways than one. Think about that!

Every woman and every man out there, unless you believe the lies of the devil, God says that it is not His will for you to be alone, but that He will provide you with an helpmate that is right for you (Genesis 2:18) I ask you again, who are you going to believe, God or the devil? Where are you going to anchor your trust today?

I ask you this: Do you want to receive a blessing today? God says: Blessed are all those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm 2:12)

God says: If you put your trust in Him, He will not let you be ashamed, neither will He allow your enemies to triumph over you (Psalm 25:2)

Bountiful Blessings,

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